Dolorous Passion of Our Lord Jesus C



The Dolorous Passion has been inspiring thousands since it first appeared in 1833–being based on the detailed visions of Our Lord’s Passion and Death as seen by Venerable Anne Catherine Emmerich (1774-1824), a German Augustinian nun, and recorded by Clemens Brentano, a prominent literary figure of his day. A saintly person from her youth and a great mystic and victim soul, Sister Emmerich was privileged by God during almost a lifetime of ecstatic visions to see all the events of Our Lord’s suffering and death, which visions we can now understand in hindsight were a great gift from God to the world. Her account of the Passion and Death of Our Lord Jesus Christ, while faithful to the Bible, is heart-rending, edifying and surprising–because of its intimate detail. The Dolorous Passion recounts with incredible precision the horrendous sufferings undergone by our Saviour in His superhumanly heroic act of Redemption. Also illuminating is its description of Mary’s participation in the sufferings of her Son, so that this book gives the reader a poignant understanding of why Our Lady is often called our “Co-Redemptrix” and “Queen of Martyrs.” The Dolorous Passion is a singular book that conveys a lasting impression of the terrible Agony of Our Lord, of His infinite love for us that motivated His Agony, and how His Passion and Death were brought on by each person’s sins. Here is a book that gives one a holy feeling just to read it. Here is a book that will melt a heart of stone!

The Dolorous Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ includes a short biography of Sr. Anne Catherine Emmerich. A great, great book for the whole family!

Softcover, Imprimatur, 382 pp.

About the Author

Anne Catherine Emmerich was born to poor parents at Westphalia, Germany in 1774. When she was twenty-eight years old she became an Augustinian nun at Dulmen, and apparently began to experience ecstasies as a result of spiritual favors. She received the Stigmata in 1813, confined to her bed, and reportedly convinced a vicar-general, Overberg, and three physicians of her sanctity. She later reported that she had seen visions of Christ and the souls in purgatory as a child, as well as a circular core with three sections representing the Trinity. She is the author of The Dolorous Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ, The Life of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Life of Jesus Christ and Biblical Revelations, and The Bitter Passion and the Life of Mary.

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